Nathan has diarrhea. He has had it since Friday. Poor baby boy. Last night he threw up after I tried to get him to eat some mac & cheese. Today he threw up after Neil heated him up some pizza. Nathan's tummy ache could be the tamiflu medication he was on last week. The kids were running fevers 2 weeks ago & I took them to the DR. It was just assumed that they had H1N1, because that is what is going around. He was given tamiflu, an antiviral medicine. When Nathan had is first two 'episodes' I said "Oh Honey, you have diarrhea" He said "what's diarrhea?" To which Jessica replied "it's when your poop is watery".
Neil is feeling MUCH better! I DO believe he had H1N1. He stayed home,from work, for 3 days. He was running fevers & felt lousy all week.
Jessica came home from school on Thursday with an ear ache. She still has is today (Sunday). Fortunately I have some ear numbing drops. So between Tylenol & Motrin & the drops she is
There wasn't any school on Friday. Friday was Nathan's last day of taking Imuran!! YEAH!! He was pretty stoked about it!!
Even though they weren't feeling really good, on Saturday the kids went to their grandma Connie's to make apple cider donuts.
Today I woke up feeling kinda yucky too. I threw up & have felt nauseous all day.
Last night I rented Princess Protection Program & Monsters VS Aliens. Last night we watched Princess Protection Program. This morning the kids & I tried to watch M vs A & both kids fell asleep.
Today as Neil was flipping channels, he came across some racing, Nathan asked if it was "Nascar or "Nashcar"? Neil told him it was Nascar. Nathan asked why? Is it "Nas-car" because they get all nasty?? LOL That was funny!!
Today I put some fake finger nails on Jessica. They are cheap & keep falling off.
I will be taking both kids to the DR tomorrow.