Friday, February 6, 2009

Grey's Anatomy

HUH? I watched & shed a few tears as always. BUT the Grey's/Private Practice crossover SUCKED!! I have on occassion watched Private Practice. I can live with/without it. Any other avid watchers left wondering what just happened???

We made it to Jessica's eaglettes performance last night. As soon as I figure out how to upload a video I will post it here. It's only about 3 1/2 minutes long.


  1. I didn't watch the crossover I did watch grey's though. I didn't like the ending but the rest of the show was good. It's a favorite at our house. I don't think I have ever watched priavte practice.

  2. I'm kind of ticked about the crossover thing. I always TiVo Grey's but never Private Practise so I'm wondering just what did I miss????
