Happy Birthday to ME!! Yesterday was my 31st Birthday. Nathan & I got up, got Jess to school, came home showered, baked my french toast oven bake for MOPS, & spent the next 2 hrs at MOPS. We came home, did the regular everyday household chores. Went & got the girls from school, my 10 yr old cousin & my DD, ran to the store for taco makings. Not sure what I was thinking but on Monday I signed Nate up for wrestling. He has practice 3 days a week for 1 hr. Right at supper time 530-630pm. I don't feel like I can feed him before, because I don't want him to go there with a full stomach then get tossed around only to throw up all over the other kid. By the time we get out of there & home it's almost 7pm. Too late to come home & try & cook. I'm just not looking forward to the next few months. But I AM soo excited to see him wrestle. The first night he sobbed like a BIG ole baby. A kid "bubba" helped him. Thank you Bubba!! The next night "bubba" was not there cause he was sick. Nate cried again. I dragged him out on the mats & put him in line & walked away. When it's all over he LOVES it!! He has a meet this coming weekend already, not sure yet if we'll be going or not. I told him if he cries at his next practice I wont take him to the out-of-town competition.
Anyways, we made it home last night after practice, ate, & had some cake & ice cream!! Neil took the kids to the store the night before to buy my gifts. He let them run around the store tossing a few things in the cart. I got from them...some purple dishcloths, a fish shaped soap dispenser, a rose scented candle, & really cute pink fuzzy slippers that were 2 sizes too small!! :-)
Happy Belated Birthday! Thanks for coming by my blog and for becoming a follower. I am glad you liked the password mini book, I hope it makes your life easier. It's definitely helped me!