Last night Sidney held a duel with a nearby town. It was just for fun and so that maybe grandparents or other local family that didn't travel to meets could watch wrestling. Nathan wasn't real enthused about going. He cried when we got there & wanted to go home. I walked him down to the mats to warm up. He was the 1st to wrestle. He cried when he was called out to center circle. Then GO!! He went ALL IN!! And WON!! He pinned the kid in like 10 seconds. Then he was smiling ear to ear!! Medals were awarded to ALL that participated. Both his grandma's got to see him live in action.
Please excuse my shouting. I need to remember I'm videoing & to try to be quiet.
After his match! A bit blurry cause he was walking, but you can still see the tears in his eyes.
When he got home I realized I didn't take a picture of him with his medal.
omg!! i just got tears in my eyes!! i don't know why?? that was just too cute!! lol Good job Nathen!