Thursday, December 9, 2010

Busy Busy…..BUSY!!

Well, Christmas is approaching very quickly.  So is my baby boy’s 6th birthday.  WOW!!  Where did the time go?!?!  We are gonna have a party @ the bowling alley.  I think he is pretty excited about that. 
Today I subbed 1/2 day in a Kindergarten classroom.  I LOVE  being around those little kids!
This past weekend my mom, the kids, & I went to Billings.  My Grandma Berta was life flighted their & admitted to the ICU.  She was intubated & put a on ventilator.  We stayed in a hotel across from the Billings Clinic Hospital.  We came home Monday.  She has pneumonia & C-diff (infection).  She is very ill. 
This weekend Jess has a birthday party @ the bowling alley.  She missed a slumber party over the weekend since we went to Billings.  She’s missed 2 birthday parties because we’ve gone out of town.
Next week Nathan has a Kindergarten program.  Then Jessica has a Jazz/dance recital.  She does Jazz every Wednesday.  She LOVES it! 
I’m hosting our card exchange party next Wednesday.  I’m not sure what I’m going to make.  But thinking I should start my Christmas baking this weekend.  My mother-in-law has Sunday off, maybe I’ll make her come over & help me!!
We are heading to Idaho over Christmas break.  I haven’t decided how long we will be staying.  I’m EXCITED to see my brother’s new baby Grayson!!  I think I should stay as long as I can!! 

Monday, November 1, 2010


It's such a bummer that I have not been posting more here on this blog :(

Wednesday was our church Halloween trunk or treat party. Friday was dress up day at school. I went to Nathan's Kindergarten Halloween carnival. Friday evening me & the kids went up town to Moonlight Madness & they trick or treated at the local business. We went & ate supper at KFC. The kids participated in a costume contest. Which neither won any prizes.

Here are some Halloween pics

Friday, August 27, 2010

Back to School

Suppose I could update!! LOL

Well school started Wednesday, the 25th. Jessica was EXCITED. Nathan not so much. I think he was nervous, well I know he was nervous, because he said he was worried about getting into trouble & getting sent to the principal's office. They were so cute!!

Nathan is in Kindergarten & Jessica is a 2nd grader!!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Pediatric Pulmonologist Appt

This morning I took the kids to school. Went to the gym, which I have been going to now every morning 4-5 days a week. Came home to shower. Got Nate from school. Drove to Miles City. Nathan had an appointment with the pulmonologist. Everything looks GOOD!! He hasn't had any major illnesses. Dr told us he could stop taking his Flovent puffer! He was totally excited about that! Just need to follow-up in another 6 months, sooner if any pulmonary issues.

Nathan has been getting a few ear infections as of late, so the Dr did draw his blood to make sure he doesn't have IGA, an immune difficiency. I believe he has already been tested for all the auto-immune diseases. And nothing came back positive.

Autoimmune diseases compromise the immune system. A defective immune system wreaks havoc throughout the host by directing antibodies against its own tissues. That could've been why his lungs were bleeding, his body was attacking the lungs.

Saturday, January 30, 2010


Nathan went to the dentist yesterday. He had 4 cavities at his last check-up. Honestly, I have my kids brush their teeth. He sat in the chair for a whole hour. He ended up with 2 caps on his back molars. He was such a trooper!! He really was AMAZING!!

So while he laid there, I snapped 2 shots of him w/ my cellphone.

Monday, January 11, 2010


It was warm enough to go outside & PLAY!!

Neil pulled the kids with the 4-wheeler yesterday

And then I helped Jessica & Neil make a snowman

Nathan turned FIVE years old!!

One BIG thing that got overlooked was Nathan turning FIVE years old!! I'm taking a moment to upload some photos from his birthday, which was December 15. He had a family party on his actual bday & a friend party at the Depot a few days later.

He got some wrestling shoes, a fireman's helmet, Harry Potter movie, Indiana Jones game for PSP, Diego bath loofah & soap, a connect 4 game, a book about Pirates, and a Ken Barbie doll (which didn't make Neil too happy).

Saturday, January 9, 2010


So last night Jessica performed at half-time of a JV girls basketball game. I had to clear some images off my memory stick to video her. These are a few of what was on that memory stick.

1st is a picture of Jessica & my niece Brynn TWO years ago around Christmas time!!

2nd & 3rd is pictures of Jessica & Nathan at my Great Uncle Elliot's ranch feeding a baby cow (6/1/08)

4th is a picture of my kids before Nathan's preschool Christmas program.