Wednesday, February 25, 2009

They ARE eating.....

It was OYSTERS And Jessica most definately gives them a thumbs down

Nathan on the other hand - THIS is his 2nd attempt to try & like them. He is eating them WITH a cracker.

He WANTED to give them a thumbs up


I wont post the picture of him actually throwing up in the bathroom garbage!!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Can YOU guess what their eating?

I seriously thought about saving these photos for a "WORDLESS WEDNESDAY" post. BUT I just couldn't wait. Here is the kids eating a favorite snack of their dads. Can you GUESS what it is??

Nathan is JUST like his dad. He DID want to like it 'cause dad does.
Jessica is JUST like her mom. She didn't like it from the start.

I must say I am PROUD of them BOTH for trying it

Sunday, February 22, 2009


So after debating on whether or not to go, we DID go! We drove 2 hrs yesterday. We left at 545am to drive to Glasgow for a wrestling meet. Nate has only had 3 practices & cried at ALL of them. BUT he did AWESOME!!! He wrestled 4 boys weighing 39 lbs (give or take). He won 2 & lost 2. His last win, he pinned the boy!! It was so FUN!!! I camcorded all rounds but don't know how to get my computer to recognize my camcorder. It's an older cam. I have firewire or the cord to connect but can't figure out the rest. Here is one pic of I took of him yesterday

Friday, February 20, 2009


So I decided I probably should take pictures of the cards I've made. I'm NOT very creative. I try really hard. I look online at other card makers websites to get some ideas.

Thursday, February 19, 2009


Here is my family wrestling in the front room last week. Soon I'll post a video of Nate wrestling other little boys on a mat. Nathan is VERY active & LOVES to get physical!! AND removing his clothing. Now Jessica isn't much of a fighter, she would rather be watching the boys get rough.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Awaiting the results....

Of a giveaway that I should WIN!! Because it was my birthday yesterday!! Allthingsribbon still hasn't announced me as WINNER!! LOL

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday To Me Pictures, Images and Photos
Happy Birthday to ME!! Yesterday was my 31st Birthday. Nathan & I got up, got Jess to school, came home showered, baked my french toast oven bake for MOPS, & spent the next 2 hrs at MOPS. We came home, did the regular everyday household chores. Went & got the girls from school, my 10 yr old cousin & my DD, ran to the store for taco makings. Not sure what I was thinking but on Monday I signed Nate up for wrestling. He has practice 3 days a week for 1 hr. Right at supper time 530-630pm. I don't feel like I can feed him before, because I don't want him to go there with a full stomach then get tossed around only to throw up all over the other kid. By the time we get out of there & home it's almost 7pm. Too late to come home & try & cook. I'm just not looking forward to the next few months. But I AM soo excited to see him wrestle. The first night he sobbed like a BIG ole baby. A kid "bubba" helped him. Thank you Bubba!! The next night "bubba" was not there cause he was sick. Nate cried again. I dragged him out on the mats & put him in line & walked away. When it's all over he LOVES it!! He has a meet this coming weekend already, not sure yet if we'll be going or not. I told him if he cries at his next practice I wont take him to the out-of-town competition.
Anyways, we made it home last night after practice, ate, & had some cake & ice cream!! Neil took the kids to the store the night before to buy my gifts. He let them run around the store tossing a few things in the cart. I got from them...some purple dishcloths, a fish shaped soap dispenser, a rose scented candle, & really cute pink fuzzy slippers that were 2 sizes too small!! :-)

Sunday, February 15, 2009

It's late It's cold

Baby it's cold outside....It is -1 but it feels like -10. That is why I'm inside!!

Today we had a mostly relaxing day inside. I did do a few loads of laundry. We ordered pizza. I finished my puzzle that I've been working on

Couldn't get a very good picture. Too much flash.

Saturday, February 14, 2009



Here's a pic of my Jessica with red/pink/white hairbows that we just received from Jen

Pop on over to her blog!! She has amazingly cute bows & dresses. Right now there is a giveaway!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Valentine's Day Photoshoot

Yesterday Jessica was wearing a cute outfit & wanted me to take her picture. Of course Nathan wanted in on it too! In a few of the pictures she was trying to position him. This is ALL their doings. I just pointed my camera & shot the picture! He decided to opt out of her photoshoot.

Happy Valentine's!!

Here is a slideshow

That's OK I don't need him

Today school is getting out early. Jessica thinks she is ready to walk home ALL by herself. I mean, yeah, sure, we live close but.....She is ONLY 5 yr & IDK I'm worried. So I tell her I'm going to call her friend Nic to see if he wants to walk w/ her. He's a little apprehensive, asking where the 2 of them will meet? Reluctanly he agrees. Not for long though. His mom calls back to say he doesn't want to walk w/ Jess. As the phone is ringing

I say "that's probably Nic changing his mind"
Jess says "that's OK I don't need him"

HUH?? Your ONLY 5 yrs old!!!

Anyways, today I'm going to go to the school, same as always, & get her backpack. Her & her brother can walk home from school while I follow closely behind.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Happy Anniversary

Happy 30th Anniversary to Uncle Tom & Aunt Patty!! CONGRATS on 30 yrs!!
Today Neil is home. He has been working in Northern North Dakota, near White Earth. Last night Williston got somewhere between 8-12 inches of snow. On top of that, or rather, underneath ALL of that snow it rained ALL day yesterday up in that area. So needless to say travel was NOT advised.

It is 4pm & I am just now getting online for the 1st time all day. Neil checks out construction forums.

Jessica's teacher had already planned incentives for her class for good behavior. She decided to use that for Jess's tardiness. Jessica will be awarded a 'gem stone' on days that she is on time. At the end of the week if she has 5 gems she will get a prize. Today Jess woke up excited to get moving & to school ON time!! YAY!!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Anyone else have?

A school-aged child that doesn't like to get moving in the morning? Because I certainly DO!! Jessica is always the last kid in the school, late, and/or really late!!! I DON'T like it!! I feel like it looks like it's my fault & it isn't! I get her up, get her cereal & proceed to beg, plead, yell, threaten her to get dressed the rest of the morning. We turn the radio on & when the DJ JD announces Birthdays she knows she should be dressed. Well today at Birthday time she was still eating her cereal. I didn't send her 'cold' lunch. I'm making her eat 'hot' lunch. The more I push her the less she moves. SO today I marched her into school & TOLD on her (to the teacher). Hopefully that will help.

Before I had my own slow-poke or naughty behaving children, I would think to myself, why is that mom/dad letting their child do that. Only to now understand that my little person has a mind of its own. For the most part I feel I have control. Some days I just cry in frustration.

My Nathan would be in trouble ALL day long if I punished him for ALL his wrong doings; hitting, back talk, not listening......

My parenting books read "pick you battles".

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Free subscription to Woman's Day magazine

If you LOVE to get things for FREE...than go here to sign up for your FREE Woman's Day Magazine. I just did!!

Should I feel bad??

Ok right now my son is having a sleep over at my moms. I'm am TOTALLY enjoying the peace & quiet so much!!! Jessica, Neil, & I had a small ribeye steak, small baked potato, & salad for supper. The supper table was so quiet, Jessica commented on the silence, she said it was because Nathan was not here.

Neil is watching the Grammy's.

I visited my blog site more than once over the last 24 hrs but didn't feel I had anything to blog about.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Jessica dancing (if you can call what she is doing dancing) with the mini-Eaglettes drill team. Girls basketball game during half-time.

Grey's Anatomy

HUH? I watched & shed a few tears as always. BUT the Grey's/Private Practice crossover SUCKED!! I have on occassion watched Private Practice. I can live with/without it. Any other avid watchers left wondering what just happened???

We made it to Jessica's eaglettes performance last night. As soon as I figure out how to upload a video I will post it here. It's only about 3 1/2 minutes long.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Happy Birthday

Today is my mother-in-laws husbands birthday.

Tonight Jessica is performing at the half-time girls basketball game - mini drill team!!

Guilty pleasure....a HUGE cherry filled frosted donut-YUMMY!! It was so good.

Today I'm off to my friend Lorraine's to stamp cards!! FUN FUN!!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

One reason

One reason I failed on blogging last year when I tried it on myspace is because my life is SO exciting!! (I hope you *hear* the sarcasm)

Today I sent Jessica to school with her terrible hack. It is after lunch & the teacher hasn't called to ask me to come & get her, so she must be doing okay.

Nathan & I are just hanging out. I've been in the mood to stamp. But I'm so NOT creative. And I feel like I'm just wasting a ton of paper. Or I think I need more product. Which brings me to look online at ebay or stamping websites. I was told to cut back on my spending. I have a BAD habit!! I haven't shopped online in like 3 days. Before that it was almost 7 days. That is REALLY good for ME!!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Starting out

Today Jessica is home from school because she has a cough. Nathan is enjoying his sister. At the moment they are playing "mom". That is the best game ever!! Not really sure what they do but they play it ALL the time.

I was asked by Jessica's kindergarten teacher to write a "WHY I LOVE YOU" note to her. That was so fun to write that & read it to her!!

As I was filling out the "about me" part of this blog I asked my kids what they think I enjoy doing.....

Answers from Jessica "hug me, kiss me, put me to bed, sleep"

Answers from Nathan "kiss me, hug me, put me to bed, snuggle with me, read me books"

Huh?!?!?! I LOVE putting them to bed?!?! Really? Actually I don't enjoy doing that. It always ends in yelling!! Nathan just doesn't like going to bed. I have a list of rules & the last one is "BEDTIME IS BEDTIME". My family was here at our house for Christmas & LOVED my "Romo HouseRules". My dad joked that it is like saying "food is food" or "running is running". The important thing is that MY kids understand the rule/rules.

At this moment I don't have any followers/readers but once I do, I would LOVE to get some involvement from ALL!! Maybe I'll have you share YOUR rules, houserules that you truly stand by.

I must end now. But I'm already looking forward to sharing a bit of me with anyone who cares to read.